Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pumpkin Dinner

Last year I decided I wanted to start using pumpkin as part of a meal since it's such a healthy vegetable. I searched through recipes and found one I thought would be particularly tasty, pumpkin soup. This was an intricately designed recipe in which I had to cut an actual pumpkin into small, bite size chunks. Have you ever done this? Well, it's tough. I admit the muscles in my arms are almost non-existent, but it was a terribly, time and energy consuming procedure. I kept my mind on the end goal...everyone bowing in humility as they had the fortune to taste such an exquisite creamy delight. After hours of cutting, slicing, cooking, and mixing, it was ready. After the first bite, Cooper...with tears of gratitude in his eyes....exclaimed, "This is disgusting". What? I looked to Kurt for reassurance, which he tried to provide but his flared nostrils and chunk filled cheeks told the true story. Finally, with a last desperate glance, I turned to Hunter. He loved it....ate two huge bowls of it. Yeah!!! I won't have to eat the remaining gallon of soup myself. Fast Forward to an hour later. Hunter isn't looking too good. That's right, he threw it all up, and guess what? He has a hatred toward pumpkin soup like none other.

So this year I decided to try something using canned pumpkin which should make a huge difference. I made raviolis with pumpkin sauce. It smelled so good as it simmered in the crockpot. Hunter told me there was no way he would touch it, then I told him I wasn't going to make pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving or his birthday if he hated pumpkin so much. At dinner time, he changed his mind and bravely scooped some up. I wasn't feeling well, so just the boys ate. This time there were no softened responses, no pretending, they all disliked it a great deal. So, I'm done. No more using pumpkin in dinners...I guess I'll have to try lunch next time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea a few days have gone by now, I think the boys and I are out of the woods and are recovering fine. If Les only sticks to pumpkin pie I think we might survive. We still love Leslie even though she was trying to off us. She said she wasn't hungry that cold dark dreary night, ya right.