Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nephew Spotlight: Keplar the Kamikazi

Kamikazi: having or showing recklass disregard for safety or personal welfare.

For everyone who knows Keplar, I picked the perfect adjective to describe him. It seems he is always a man on a mission and nothing will deter him. For those of you who don't know him, you probably don't believe me. I mean, look at that adorable picture...could a boy like this rule the world? You better believe it. He is smart and resourceful, at the same time he can be so loving and cuddley. He asks some fantastic questions! Last time we were around Keplar, he had gotten ahold of the four wheeler key and decided to take it for a little spin. Cooper wouldn't have a clue where to find the key, let alone start the machine and drive it.

I remember sitting in Keplar's room in Provo, reading one story after the other to him. He was so involved as I read the books. He is such a charmer and I sure do miss him. I love his survey answers and I truly think he would make an excellent Firefighter!

What would you like to be when you grow up? Why?
Fireman. Because it helps people when their house is on fire.

If you could visit any person you wanted in thewhole wide world, who would it be? Why?
You (me, mom, yep Tiffany) If their house was on fire. Because when the fireman comes over we can go take a nap in our own room. (I'm typing it just like he is saying it - I promise)

What is your favorite movie?
Justice League I watch it every night. But when I grow up I won't like it anymore because I will have sons.

What is your favorite book (or book series)?
Bambi - What a softy! Actually this was the last story that was read to him. From mom: he loves reading his own beginner books he brings home from school.

What is your favorite holiday? Why?
Christmas. Because you get presents at christmas and because santa brings presents.

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