Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Recipe for Disaster

Wet Child+Tumbler of Water+CD Player = Sleepless night!

Last night Cooper was taking a shath (bath/shower) right before he went to bed. I was downstairs, Kurt was on the main floor, and Hunter was in his room. All of the sudden, I hear Cooper screaming the most terrifying scream I've ever heard....the kind where you know the E.R. will be involved.

It's one of those moments you don't want to face. You just want to hide and pretend nothing is happening, but you just don't have a choice. So, I ran up the first flight of stairs and was almost up the 2nd flight of stairs when I saw Cooper, soaking wet with just a towel wrapped around him, sobbing and obviously terrified. Tears were streaming down his face and my heart was about to pound out of my chest. I asked him what happened and he said (in a high pitched shrill voice) water had gotten on his CD player and it started making loud, scary noises.

It seems he somehow (not sure if was accidentally or on purpose) spilled the big cup of water all over the CD player, counter, and the floor, and the CD player was, of course, plugged in and turned on. Then Hunter, the true hero he is, ran in, unplugged the player and put it on the ground. Basically, both of my boys almost got zapped last night. It took about an hour to calm Cooper down and 2 hours to get my heart to regulate my heart beat. So, I'm very thankful to have two healthy sons today!


adorable pearsons said...

I can totally imagine the whole thing and was laughing- well not at the part of your sons almost dying; but with your sick sense of humor I was surprised you didn't find it funny- maybe you aren't dead inside after all!

Ashley Wray said...

SCARY! I'm glad that everyone is alive and well (and can still spell) at your household! I love your new background and layout too!