Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11, 2007

In honor of Veterans Day, I would like to thank those who have served the cause not only in our country, but in other countries as well. On a personal note, my grandfather, father, and husband are all veterans who have served our country during times of war. I know I have many more relatives who are celebrated veterans and I'm proud to be from such a patriotic heritage.

My 5th grade class is writing an essay right now titled, What is an American? Although I don't have to write one, I would like to express my views on what I believe an America is. An American is someone who honors the laws of this land to contribute to the peace and well-being of our communities. An American honors our flag and can recite the Pledge of Allegiance with full conviction of heart. An American is someone who doesn't take our freedoms for granted, understanding how blessed we are to the opportunity for free education, an allowance to respectfully disagree with others in authority, to own land, etc. An American is someone who realizes the family will determine the success of a nation and backs up that understanding through word and deed.

I'm feel incredibly blessed to live in this country. Happy Veterans Day everyone!

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