Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's all a matter of perspective

While I was getting ready for the day this morning, I was reflecting on some of the happenings of the past few days. As I thought about some of the frustrating things that have happened, a small blessing occurred. I began to see those events from a more holistic perspective. Before I share some of those thoughts with you, I'd better explain the photos. I was trying to think of an image that portrayed "perspective" and couldn't think of one, so I took some pictures of myself trying to capture the idea. In the first picture, I look like a Geisha...don't ask why, I just do. The second picture is me pretending to be Betty Boop or something...embarrassing. I think the 3rd picture did the best job, but I kind of look laxidasical.
Random Moments of Perspective:
  • Our dryer broke and I have tons of laundry to do. Perspective: My husband took apart the dryer, purchased a replacement belt for $30, and repaired the dryer. I'm so blessed to have a husband who can figure those kinds of things out!
  • Cooper had to go to the Orthodontist where we learned he has multiple things wrong. He will have to have an expander, spacers, retainer, and a few braces....for now. Perspective: Kurt's new job provided dental insurance right away. Even though it will only pay for half, we've been able to keep enough in savings to pay the other portion. We are so blessed to have insurance and pay tithing.
  • I have gobs of stressful lesson planning to do and sometimes feel overwhelmed with it. Perspective: I was able to go off track with my teacher, so I'm able to juggle dental & orthodontic appointments along with lesson planning. I'm so blessed to be in the school I was placed in.
  • It's snowing and blowing and snowing which makes errands a treacherous situation. Perspective: All this snow keeps me from unnecessary shopping. It will provide farmers with much needed moisture. This blessing will affect thousands.
  • My husband is working 11-12 hour days this week making it difficult to spend time with him. All of the household issues fall in my lap. Perspective: He is earning much needed overtime which will help us pay our bills and it allows him to improve his abilities at his job. We are so blessed.

Take a moment and try to see the bigger picture in your life. It's uplifting and calming. I'm grateful I was given a little perspective today!


adorable pearsons said...

Those pics are cute- I like the second one of you. Pretty snow pics too! I also like the new background. I now see what has taken place of lesson plans! So hmmmm...the bigger picture....I can't seem to get an extra thing on my to-do list done because little children are swarming...blessing- we are so blessed to have a job that allows me to stay home with the children! Thanks I needed the reminder!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Misti WE are blessed with the little ones we have. also I am bleassed to have a mother in law let us live with her rent free. hope you have a wonderful snow day.

Jason & Jennifer Lott said...

Keeping perspective is sometimes the hardest thing for me to do. Thanks for reminding me. I will focus on the positive things that are going on and not the negative.

E-llo said...

Now that is a "glass is half full" post. I need to be more like that. I had to get the Relief Society history in by last night ... the blessing is that I don't have to have 2008 done until December! I did it wrong ... but I now know how to do it. It could work! Good attitude. I like all of those pictures. You are a HOT mama.

Shannon said...

I loved this!! It's alway nice to have a reminder to step back and look at the whole picture. Thanks Leslie :)