Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 13, 2008

This was my first week as a student teacher and, although there were a few naughty moments, over all is was fabulous. I just really loved it. We also had tons of snow this week...more in the month of January here in Meridian than in the last couple of years combined. A couple school districts took a snow day, but not ours. Cooper loved the snow...except when some neighbor kids rubbed a bunch of snow in his face. Every day after school he would go play in it. Then I would have to lay a towel by the door and he would strip down to his skivvies (that might be a real word) and go get in pj's. Yep...pjs by 5pm.
Speaking of pj's, don't be jealous of my straight from the shower-no make up-wet hair-pj picture. When I'm not wearing make up and I see my grandma, she always asks me if I'm you see why. Kurt got me a Victoria Secret gift card for Christmas. I'm not quite sure how he thought I was going to use it, but I'm fairly certain flannel pajamas weren't what he had in mind. I've never really had matching pj's as an adult, but I LOVE THESE! I highly recommend them.
Speaking of Kurt, he was quite the charmer this week. One night he emptied the dishwasher and refilled it for me. Then, Friday, he came home with flowers. Saturday I came home to a gift (a misplaced Christmas gift, but a gift nonetheless). Hmmmm...I wonder what he did? For now I'm just very grateful for moments of spousal spoiling.
Yesterday I played volleyball again and I think my muscles would have been fine, but then I went and played walleyball directly afterward. Today, I can barely move. Every muscle in my legs, arms, and one (just one) in my back hurt. Everytime I stand, sit, or move, they scream out, but boy did I have fun. It was so worth it.
Finally, a plea to my loyal readers. There is a new show on T.V. called American Gladiators. It's so much fun to watch, especially if you turn the volume off. I have someone I think would conquer that show and I've already approached her, but she thinks I'm joking for some reason. My sister-in-law Tiffany was made to be the next American Gladiator. Come On Tiff....make me proud, and take me with you when you compete on the show. Also, remember when you did that weird finger gun at the olympic trials? Don't do that on the show, we'll come up with something even better! Maybe a hip thrust or something. It can be your signature move! TIFFANY, TIFFANY, TIFFANY!!!!!


E-llo said...

Those are some foxy pj's! I am sure that is exactly what the hubby what thinking when he got you the card. I did the same thing, got some flannel pj's from V.S. Sounds like a great week! I am glad you are loving teaching. Nothing is worse than going thru all of that school to end up hating the job. Oh - Tiffany! Tiffany! Tiffany!

Anonymous said...

You have seen my guest book picture haven't you? I look like I could put any of the Gladiators to shame! I'm still serious about Helga too. If I went head to head with her I'd definitely win. Not because of her size, but her athletic prowess:)

Ludvigson Family said...

We love the new American Gladiators show too! And by the way those pj's are "HOT!!!"

Shannon said...


adorable pearsons said...

Man, I am always a few days late on your blog posting! What is my problem. Cute pj's, are you sick? Totally kidding! If only the parents knew you would they find this past week rather hilarious! PS- you nerd, you are supposed to do the truths and lie on YOUR BLOG! So do it ya