Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wolf It!

On Tuesday evening I witnessed another interesting scouting ritual. Cooper achieved the rank of wolf. Of course, they made me come up so he could give me a pin. I just really hate that. I think the boys should be putting pins in their dads.
After the pinning, all the boys who receive this rank lined up in front of a table. In front of each boy, on the table, was an aluminum pie plate containing a plastic bag which holds their wolf badge. A can of Rediwhip was given to each mom (big mistake on their part) and the mom's had to fill the pie plate with whip cream. Then the boys had to eat their way to the plastic bag.
When I arrived at the meeting, before any of the peculiar festivities began, another mom approached me. She told me about the whip cream and enlisted my help in smashing the cool whip creations into the faces of the Den leaders. I was game of course. So, after Cooper was done, I took a plate and she took a plate and we chased those ladies down. As I walked back toward my partner in crime, I noticed I was the only one without any whip cream on me (I'm that good). Then the benedict arnold turned on me and slammed me with some left over cream...dang nabbit! There were a few condescending frowns as we left to clean ourselves up. I guess you aren't supposed to throw whip cream in the church...who knew? For heaven sakes, they had an open flame and stinky eggs in there...what's a little cool whip?
I better sign off. In the midst of this post, my dryer decided to throw a temper tantrum. Kurt is medicating it as I type, but it doesn't seem to be responding. Maybe a little cool whip will help!


Jason & Jennifer Lott said...

Congrats, Cooper!! I don't think I'm ready for this scout stuff, I have three more scout free years!! And I'm sure you realized the odds of getting out of the church with no whip cream on you was slim to none, right.

E-llo said...

Congrats to Cooper on becoming a wolf! You do realise that they have mom's participate in the pinning because they do most of the work! I love the whip cream! So who was this traitor?