Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 6, 2008

It's Sunday, time for my weekly recap. Today is a glorious day. It's the day we went from 3pm church to 8am church. It's not that I'm particularly fond of waking up at 6:30am on the weekend, but it is so marvelous to have the entire rest of the day to do things. For instance, it's only 2pm and I've already organized some lesson plans for tomorrow, played Risk with Hunter, played Trouble with Cooper, and read a chapter of a book with, I'm ready for the day and I've already gone to 3 hours of church. It feels great!!!

Yesterday I had loads of fun. First, I had my first ward (church, not mental) volleyball game since last year. Remember the good old days when I could just hit the court full throttle and feel no ill effects? Those days are over. First, I hit the floor slowly, feeling the full effect of my fudge filled holiday break. Second, every time the ball came my way, it seemed like it was going in slow motion. You would think this would allow me to prepare quickly, but sadly my mind didn't catch up until after the ball hit the ground. This is not soccer, you don't want the ball on the ground. Lastly, I woke up this morning with a kink in my shoulder. Doesn't matter...I still had a blast and no one booed me. My coach (Marie) never got back to me on dress code, so I played pretty well despite the formal gown I was wearing.

After volleyball, I attended a primary activity. I had to share 5 unique experiences with my primary girls. My teaching partner and I had a blast doing it. Then we all met together to close the activity. I think we finished too early because, all of the sudden, the primary president started having teachers reveal one of their experiences to everyone. HELLO....I trust my girls and my teaching partner, but I'm not about to share those with everyone else...embarrassing. So I quickly called Cooper's name before she got to me and we skidaddled out of there.

Onto more pressing matters, my run in with the police. Let me state this up front: I have nothing against me on my driving record, it's spotless. So, Friday night I convinced Cooper & Kurt to go with me to Kohls so I could pick out my volleyball formal. We got about a half mile down the road when I noticed flashing lights in my rear view mirror. I pulled over hoping there was some emergency and the cop needed to get around me, but that wasn't the case. I was the emergency. He approached the car (in the pouring rain, poor guy) and asked me if I knew why he was pulling me over. I said something like, "Because of my broken rear brake light?" He replied, "No, I didn't even notice that (darn), you were going a little too fast...53 mph". Background: Up until 2 months ago, the speed limit on that road was 50 mph. Then they changed it to I was well over the limit. He asked for my license, registration, and insurance. Kurt started digging through the glove compartment for the registration & insurance, but we both knew the registration wasn't there and I couldn't find the insurance. I had accidentally thrown away my registration and Kurt had told me months ago I needed to get another one (He kindly reminded me while the cop was writing up the ticket). I turned to the police office and said, "You are just going to have to write me up for all of it because, even though I'm am insured and this is registered, I don't have the documentation". You might as well tell it like it is.

He came back, about 3 hours later (fine..15 minutes), and handed me the ticket. He didn't write me up for speeding (phew), but did for the lack of documents. If I take them into court by a certain date, I won't have to pay a thing. I think I got the nicest cop ever!

Before I sign off, here's a cute Cooperism: When I pulled out the Trouble game today, he said, "Mom, playing games isn't about me beating's about getting to spend time with you".


Anonymous said...

I always knew you would end up a convicted fellon. I just didn't know that fellons take pictures of the cops that arrest them....interesting. Also, please find something else to wear to volleyball this Saturday (or at least let the rest of us know first so you don't make the rest of us look so frumpy.) By the way, I didn't notice you falling on the floor--did you bounce right back up or were you down for the count? You better come with your gameface on next time or I'm pulling you out of the game!

Anonymous said...

I hate that you have to approve my comments before they get posted. There is so much more I'd like to say!

Lott said...

Marie, I have to approve your comments because "someone" has been trying to steal my identity.

I know it is very tempting Marie...but it's just wrong!

adorable pearsons said...

Spotless? I highly doubt that. What about the time that you stole an Alcoholic Ale drink from the store, underage may I add; or the time you hit your mailbox and blamed it on a poor stranger?

E-llo said...

Wow you have quite the record! :) I am so loving the new church schedule too (refering to your comment on my blog) compared to 3 pm. Yuck! I wish I would have gone to the volleyball game to see that outfit. I play volleyball so well that I am afraid I would make everyone else look bad, that is why I don't play. haha. Sounds like a nice weekend. I have a hard time not speeding in that same stretch of road. Stupid lady for hitting the other lady on the bike!

Shannon said...

Haha, your posts are hilarious. You should be an author on the side. ;) Your hair is way cute!!