Sunday, December 30, 2007

December 30, 2007

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas. As you can see, we did. The picture where the boys look sharp in their new pajamas is Christmas Eve. They always get new pj's to open that night. The next picture, the "after" picture, is Christmas day. We had to wait about 15 minutes while Kurt prettied himself up. You would think that picture was taken in the wee hours of the morning, but in actuality it was taken at 8:30am. We had so much fun opening gifts and watching to see what everyone else thought of their gifts. We felt quite spoiled.

Now Christmas is done and we have taken down all the decorations. We're ready for the new year! We've had a couple crazy things happen this week that are worth mentioning. Our trustworthy, but aging van has been giving us fits for the last few weeks, so we took it to the doctor. The van doctor is pricey and we weren't thrilled to have a $350 bill to pay, but the van is running much better. A big thanks goes out to Kurt's parents for helping pay that bill. They just stepped forward and took care of questions needed or asked.

Hunter's job has been interesting. He has worked a ton of hours which is great for his paycheck, but he has been put in some annoying situations which has bled over to affect Kurt & I. His hours are never exactly as they appear on the schedule, usually meaning he isn't ready to go when we come to pick him up and they have scheduled him for Wednesdays when he let them know on his application he can't work on Wednesdays. The worst is when he has to close at 1:30am. This past week he closed and Kurt went to get him. I was asleep, but awoke at 2:30am to find Kurt was still gone. I frantically called his cell and found out he was still waiting for Hunter at the theater. I couldn't go back to sleep because I was too worried, so I read a book until they got 4:30am. Hunter had been at work from 5:15pm until 4am. I was not a happy camper. So, we'll see if things flow better once school starts again.

We have been healthy this break, which is very unusual, but then last night Cooper was hit by some kind of bug. So, he won't be at church today. A few bizarre tidbits about this week: I checked out 64 books from the library yesterday, Coop & I are waiting for sea monsters to hatch, and I downloaded a new recipe program...more on that to come. I'm in a fight with it right now.

Happy New Year everyone! Remember to be practical in your resolutions!

1 comment:

E-llo said...

Looks like an awesome Christmas! I hate car problems, they always seem to come when you have money tagged for other things, like Christmas. I swear, jobs always do that to teens. They know that they won't say anything and if they quit because of it, they can just pay another teen min. wage instead. What jerks!