Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 16, 2007

This is not a figment of your imagination. It's not something to be taken likely. It's a once a year phenomenon. Betty Crocker threw up in my kitchen!!! Sometimes I go a little overboard, but this time it will benefit many other people. I wanted to get my holiday baking done so we could take our plates out for Family Home Evening...all I need to do is make some name tags and they are ready to go!

One baked good needs further mentioning. I was feeling nostalgic and decided to make the candy cane cookies my mom used to make when I was little. I found the recipe online and was thrilled to get started. Now I know why my Mom didnt' make them every year. They are the most stubborn, annoying cookies to make. You know how you buy a box of candy canes from the store and there are always a few broken? Well, imagine putting a lot of time and effort into making them, only to have them break during transport between the cooling rack and the goodie plate. So, many of my friends will be getting peppermint stick cookies instead.
Moving on to more exciting things. Hunter is working again. Sorry Taco snooze, you lose. He is now working at Edwards 21, a movie complex. He started Friday night and worked last night as well...until 1:30am. I baked until time to pick him up. He loves it and the great thing is he doesn't have to work during the school week this week. movies for Hunter and a friend of his choosing...time to butter him up! He has a fondness for pens, chocolate, Victoria Secret lotion and lip gloss, and gift cards to any book store. Give it to me & I'll pass it on.
Also, I want to wish my cousin Dena a Happy Birthday! She is one of the sweetest people I know...always thinking of others. My parents moved to Colorado Springs this weekend...odd. It just doesn't seem real! Alright everyone...1...2...3...start your ovens!!!


adorable pearsons said...

Dang- those Christmas plates look delicious. Total motivation to move there- just to get one of those; okay and living by you would be a minor plus as well. Congrats HUNTER! Do you have any connections to Californina's theaters?

Ashley Wray said...

Yummm...Betty Crocker puke happens to be a favorite of mine! Love Christmas goodies! Hope you're keeping a plate or two for yourself!

E-llo said...

That looks delicious! I don't think puke has ever looked so good! I can't believe you did all of that baking! Finals must be over. :) It looks like I will be buying some gifts for Hunter. Now what is his favorite scent from V.S.? How about his favorite lip gloss color? Way to go on scoring an ideal high school job, Hunter! I workd at a video store in school, nothing is better.