Sunday, December 23, 2007

December 23, 2007

I'm not sure if I'm alone in saying this, but I love to see what's in the mail each day. Usually I have loads of pizza coupons, a few bills, and a geiko ad awaiting my arrival, but for some reason I still love getting the mail. Imagine how I feel at this time of the year. One of the best things about Christmas for me is receiving Christmas cards. I'm almost giddy with excitement when the mailman arrives. I have a tradition of taping all my Christmas cards on the back of my front door so I see them everytime I walk past it.

This year the cards have been slow to appear. I'm not sure why, but it seemed I had been black listed or something. I started wondering who I had offended (this isn't anything new, but most of my friends and family don't hold grudges). Had a terrible tragedy struck the post office only allowing pizza coupons to pass through the mail system? Were my neighbors trying to steal my identity and secretly stealing all my cards out of my mailbox at the same time? (Marci...I think I saw you racing away with a card in your hand just the other day) Yesterday my Christmas card faith was restored. I got loads of them.

I got comfy on my couch and poured over each one. It doesn't matter to me if there is a long family newsletter or just a signed card, each card holds special memories of those who have touched our lives in one way or another. So, I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to send a card because it's one of my favorite aspects of this holiday. Merry Christmas to all! Remember why we celebrate this magical holiday!


E-llo said...

I love to check the mail each day as well! I liked your card as well. Very cute.

Lynette said...

Do you really want a card and picture of our family? You know my whole life story and have probably seen enough of me and kids to last a lifetime. But if you need one, let me know and I'll post it soon!

Lott said...


I got your card tonight...did I guilt you into that? It was darling and I loved the ornament! Thanks!