Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Taco Bell dream has been postponed!

Remember when Hunter worked at Taco Bell? Let me remind you: He applied for the job on a Thursday, they called him in for an interview & hired him on Friday, he started work on Saturday. The part you don't know: his last day of work was the very next Saturday. I know you are on the edge of your seat wondering what happened. How could the dream be dashed?

Well, when he was hired, management didn't look at his age very closely & only discovered he only 15 at the end of his first shift. They told him they would keep him on because he was close to 16. So, he worked almost everyday the next week. Friday they told him corporate received his paperwork and said he couldn't work there until he turns 16. So, Saturday was his last day. The good news is they said he had a job as soon as he turns 16 and this gives him time to get back into the groove of school. The other bonus: he gets to keep the uniform! (He was very attached to it)

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