Thursday, September 20, 2007

Starve a Fever...

Feed a cold, at least that's what I've heard and guess what? I have a cold, a particularly hungry cold. Always being the kind to follow the rules, I have worked very hard on keeping my hungry cold satisfied. Some interesting things I've discovered: my cold likes chocolate....a lot of chocolate, it likes pizza, it likes cookies. In fact, it seems my cold likes all those foods I usually try (not always successfully) to eat in moderation. That's odd, but what's a girl to do? Another thing I found out about my cold is it doesn't like exercise, but it loves to sleep and I think when the doctors (or my grandma) says "feed a cold", they don't just mean physically. I think that also includes emotionally and it hurts my cold's feelings when I exercise and don't get enough sleep. So, the compassionate person I am, I will continue to gorge myself on forbidden foods, avoid the eliptical machine, and press the snooze button until my new best friend is healed.

ps. My cold particulary likes cookies from other people


sheena said...

I think I can't wait to get a cold. Please feel free to send your germs my way if it means chocolate cake and no gym.

Can I please tell you how lucky you are to be Misti's sister. I feel ripped off becuase my time with her on Thursday was so short....and then she was off to see YOU. I think she needs to move closer--somewhere right in the middle of us so we can share her. Who cares what's best for her, what matters is that we're happy, right??

Lott said...


Sorry you didn't get to spend that much time with Misti, but I just really need to hog her. Here's the deal: you move to Boise and then we could share her! Just a thought.

Ps. my cold isn't as much fun as it used to be, but I did have pizza, cookies, and Olive Garden today.