Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 30, 2007

Can you believe today is the last day of September? Although time has flown by, I'm thrilled to be entering the crisp, cool days of Autumn. I like to wear clothes that conceal flaws like sweaters and long pants. While we're on this topic, can someone please explain to me why leggings are becoming popular again? First of all, I've officially hit the age where "old" fashions trends are revisited and secondly, leggings should have never become a trend in the first place...they are just cut off tights. So, I officially beg all of those within earshot of this blog, if you just can't help yourself and have to wear leggings, please don't wear belly shirts with them....ewwww! (you know someone out there is going to try it)

This past week had been wild in the Lott household with the addition of Misti, Bostyn, & Kamree. Between my children and Misti's, we had ourselves a regular zoo. I actually have a photo of Misti mimicking a giraffe. We also had the pleasure of having Misti's friend Ashley (sp?) and her daughter Rilee (sp?) over as well. After all the kids, except Bostyn (after all she didn't want to miss out on the fun) were in bed, it was girl time downstairs. Like the super slumber party patrons we are, we laughed, cried (out of pure fatigue) and hit the hay about 10:15 frozen bras in this house because we were to tired to out last each other.

Bostyn & Kamree are so much fun and, of course, beautiful. Bostyn really warmed up to me this trip and I got lots of hugs. My favorite was when Misti told her she couldn't have a treat and she came to me and said, "I have this treat? You say okay?" Oh, she knows how to win me over. I believe Kamree's way to show affection is through the act of puking on you. If that is true, she loves me...and my carpet...a ton! She is such a smiley, content baby. Misti is always fun to have around. I wish her family would move closer (as in next door) so I could have more time to play with them.

Last night I went to the General Relief Society broadcast for our church. My cousin Calie came along and it was a very fulfilling night. I came away renewed and excited about the course my life is taking. The music was incredible and the talks lifted my soul.

The only thing left to say is....Bring on October!!!


adorable pearsons said...

Now here's the true story....So we came and took over the Lott house. Kamree plastered the house with her version of white "paint" and Bostyn ran wild like a maniac. Both girls made it a personal goal to keep the Lott family up at night as much as possible. The Lotts handled us so well and somehow managed to smile the whole trip! ....Okay but for real we had a wonderful time with them and my girls loved getting spoiled rotten by their aunt! Thanks for the fun times (minus the time you rubbed in my face that I don't have friends)

Ashley Wray said...

Thanks Leslie! You guys were perfect hostesses (sp?) Rylee and I had a great time, and our late night chat was wonderful! We'll have to do the frozen bras next time! So I'm officially going to start stalking your blog, I hope thats ok! Feel free and do the same to mine!

Unknown said...

Nobody panic, this is my first post on my wife's page. Les I love your style of writing, you’re a regular comedian. I'm also grateful for the wonderful women that she is, she is a great mother and wife, especially my friend. She has been a great strength to me through hard times. Now for the blog. It’s been great to have family and friends over lately. Hunter has driven Fred around while he was here. Misti wouldn’t dare entrust him with her life. Chicken! Lastly, Misti I was shocked when I saw the picture on the main page, I thought you were bottle feeding Kamree, I didn’t know you started breast feeding her.

Lott said...

I promise I'm not writing under the pen name "Kurt". I had to promise to do the laundry for the next month straight to get him to write that!