Wednesday, November 19, 2008


You...yeah, you. I have some juicy news to share, but before I do let me pose this question, "Why do I feel like I'm profaning when I type pssst?"

Remember that one time when I posted that crazy-but-filled-with-hope ad on Craigslist? Well, stuff happened. Mainly, lots of scammers emailed me (through craigslist) and a bunch of insurance peeps tried to sneakily interview my hub (still gettin' those cool responses), but yesterday I got a legit response. And it was creative...I liked it. It said something like, "Wife, call me to set up interview for husband." And, the guy signed the email with his actual name and company and phone #(scammers don't usually include all that info). So I called that dreamy guy today and set up an interview with he & my hub for Friday. The job is NOT located here though.

Also, my bum is numb. I don't believe it was meant to be planted on a metal folding chair for a multitude of hours each day. I think my thut is getting bigger and flatter. It's the homework. I think my brain might be melting. If things continue this way, my backside from my head down will be completely an old, wrinkly, tainted paper doll. My brain and my bum need a break.

I read yesterday, somewhere in America..but not here, gas was $1.53/gallon. I would move there but by the time I got there it might be up to a ridiculous price again.

Good news: I have a 2 pack (abs) Bad news: They protrude the opposite direction of a 6 pack.

One more thing. If we have to move, do you want to buy our house for 1 MILLION dollars? Just keep an open mind about it.


adorable pearsons said...

what if the dreamy craigslist man solved all of our problems? what if he is rich and buys your house and gives chad a job and love vinyl. that would be awesome. what if he invented a machine to help us with our thutts and then gave us all one free....what if.

Ashley Wray said...

Yay! I thought your craigslist ad was hilarious, I so hope it works you for you guys! You'll have to keep us posted! My thut is numb too, but it's not from doing homework, it's from blog surfing way to much!

Mike Lozano said...

Your not prostituting Kurt, are you? Craigslist is cracking down on that I hear. You wanna talk about big bums, huh?! I'm writing a book on the subject...with pictures.

Keidi02 said...

Where is it located? (and don't use the word dreamy when referring to a man that is not your husband, penalty is death according to old testament)

Mike and Kelli said...

Soooooooo awesome! As Rachael from Friends (yes, I still quote alternate universe) says, "It's like a fairytale for the digital age." Keep us all posted!
PS-I hope you get more news about an interview in a town near me/my same town soon.

E-llo said...

I'm a little torn. I want him to get a good job and hope the interview goes well, but I don't want you to move. I know we don't see each other much, but still! Good luck to your hubby. I hhope your brain and bum are doing better! :)

Alicia said...

Awesome! You are hilarious and keep me motivated to smile when it hurts. Don't talk about bums. And what happens when you have 12 pack abs or a whole case?

LStevens said...

Where will the job be? My great state I hope. We would love to live near you all again. :-)
Meanwhile, don't get too messed up with your homework. It is dangerous, so I've been told!! :-)