Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hunter Bunter Bear

17 years ago, after struggling with an odd pain, my doctor sent me for an ultrasound. It was November 25, 1991, and I was due with a baby boy just a few weeks later on December 13th. After the ultrasound, I was wheeled to the elevator where my doctor said, "How would you like to have your baby today?". Seems I had a rather large cyst that was causing chaos. So, up to labor & delivery I went. I was put on pitocin and immediately fell asleep for 2 hours. When I awoke, I could hear screaming in the room next to me...I started to panic. A nurse came in to check my progress (always a lovely little event)and I asked her how far along my neighbor was. She was at a 4. I asked the nurse where I was at & she said I was at a 6. I'm so glad I have somewhat easy labors.

For both my boys, I was unable to get an epidural so when I pushed, I pushed like a crazy woman. 15 minutes of pushing for both boys. At 12:15 am on November 26, I was blessed with a little 6lb 13oz baby boy who had a gush of black fuzzy hair. When Kurt first saw him he said, "Ewww, he looks gross", but I thought he was beautiful & still do.

Once Hunter was 6 weeks old, he was golden. He slept through the night and has the sweetest disposition. He was a community baby; I passed him around to everyone and they just adored him.

Things changed at 18 months and the temper tantrums flew. It was a nightmare. He would tell me he hated me, throw things at the door, throw himself on the floor and there were many days when Kurt would get home from work that I would need a breather & would leave for an hour or so.

It was about the time Hunter went to school that the temper tantrums began to dissipate. He loved school and made lots of friends. He's my little athlete who has a tender side as well.

This morning I snuck up to his room to tape the doorway so he could bust through it like a superstar. I don't know how he does it, but he managed to do so with his eyes closed. He used to be a morning person. I love my little Hunter and hope he has a wonderful birthday. I've got his pumpkin pie made and we'll be ready to celebrate in a few short hours. Happy Birthday Hunter!


Mike Lozano said...

Are those dolls he is playing with?! Dolls are only acceptable to play with for boys as long as they are dressed like football players... er, I mean action figures. happy Birthday Hunter!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! i can remember Misti and I taking Hunter for walks around the block. I cant beleave he is 17.

Susan F. said...

I remember a few tantrums, but mostly he saved them for his mother. Grandpa and I have always been so proud of Hunter. We miss him, but hope he has the best birthday yet.
Grandma and Grandpa

E-llo said...

Happy Birthday, Hunter! You are lucky to have such an awesome mom!

Keidi02 said...

Happy bday Hunter. I love the pic of you with shoulder pads, if only you would have continued the dream.