Thursday, July 31, 2008

Anne Frank Memorial

Yesterday we went to the Anne Frank Memorial in Boise. It's one of my favorite places. I love to read the quotes on the walls, they're good reminders of the trials and tribulations people have gone through throughout history. I took a picture of my favorite quote. For one of my college classes a couple of years ago, I had to go to the memorial and find a quote that evoked a strong emotional response and this quote did so:
"Dear Teacher, I am the survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no man should witness: gas chambers build by learned engineers, children poisoned by educated physicians, infants killed by trained nurses and women and babies shot and burned by high school graduates. So I am suspicious of education. My request is: Help your students to become more human. Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, educated Eichmanns. Reading, writing and arithmetic are important only if they serve to make our children more human."

Haim Ginot, Teacher and Child, 1972


adorable pearsons said...

OUt of all of the times I've made it to Boise, I have yet to go there. It looks so cool!

E-llo said...

I love the Anne Frank Memorial. It makes you thankful for what you've got and what rights we have. I have been wanting to go for a while and just haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for the reminder. Her book is still one of my favorites.