Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Never too old to be naughty

I've often heard stories of little ones getting ahold of the scissors and cutting their hair, much to the dismay of the parent who finally was able to pull their hair into a ponytail. I was unaware this still happens at the ripe old age of 9 years old. It does. Here's how I discovered the deed.

Scene: My dad and I were playing Mexican Train when Cooper had to come sit with us because he was acting sassy. All of the sudden something catches my eye.

Me: Cooper, what happened to your hair?

Cooper (all bewildered looking): What?

Me: How come there's a chunk of your hair missing? Did you cut your hair?

Cooper (after an extremely long pause while I'm giving him eye darts): Yes, but it was an accident.

Me (in an unkind mommy voice): You mean you accidentally picked up some scissors, pulled up your hair, and cut it? Was it an accident or was it on purpose?

Cooper (glancing down and talking in slow, robot fashion): Weeeellllll, it was on purpose. I was walking with some scissors in my hand when I tripped. I stood up and the scissors happened to be by my head, so I just cut my hair.

That's his story and he's sticking to it. Geeesh!


Keidi02 said...

A few more falls with scissors in coop's hands and he will look like his uncle mike

adorable pearsons said...

How is that hair coming along? Next time I accidentally buy the cutest most expensive shoes in the store, I know what story I'm sticking to...thanks coop

Jill said...

And here I thought it was usually a little girl thing to do.

E-llo said...

That was a great story! Carter happened to be sitting next to me when I was checking blogs and had me read this story twice cuz he was laughing so hard. Now, my neice Lexy (Stevie's older sister) was cutting some paper or something a couple years ago (so she was at the youngest 14) when someone got her attention, she turned her head and chopped a chunk of hair off. So, accidents do happen, I suppose! :)