Sunday, March 9, 2008

March 9, 2008

Can you find the teenager in the first picture? My theory is teens sleep to restore energy which they use for the following: texting girls, eating, basketball, eating, track, eating, pointing out various injuries, eating, asking for money so they can eat some more. Luckily, my teen is a great boy and this week he hit another milestone, giving him even more independence.
It was time for him to take his driving skills test (remember how the guy didn't show the first time). I set this appointment up with a woman...much more reliable. On the way, I drove (5pm traffic) and we almost ended up in a wreck. A diesel hit a car a few vehicles ahead of us. That car started spinning horizontally across the interstate hitting the 2 cars directly in front of us. It was so frighting. After pulling over and making sure things were o.k. & calling 911, we got back on course.
He passed his skills test, so the next day I zipped home from school (4:10pm), grabbed the boys and headed to the DMV for the written exam. We got there only to find testing after 3:30pm. So, Hunter & I both had to get out of school early the next day so he could take the test. WE got there & the licensing photo machine was down...luckily I got a nice clerk and she let Hunter take the test anyway. The machine was fixed before we left, so now he has his license and now my nightmare begins. Actually, he is so willing to run errands right now and I don't have to be in the car with him. Unfortunately, everytime I hear about an accident, I hyperventilate.
Other interesting facts from this week:
  • I'm hating daylight savings. Who's up for banning this barbaric practice?
  • Our washer broke a little....Kurt fixed it
  • Our toilet broke...Kurt fixed it
  • I go to Denver in less than 2 weeks
  • Kurt is still working over time

K...I'm out, have a great week!


Ashley Wray said...

One kid with orthodotic appliances in his mouth and the other with a drivers license? They grow up to fast! Hunter looks really excited to get his picture taken! And I'm so with you on banning day lights savings, I've barely been able to keep my eyes open all day!

Jill said...

I only knew Hunter when he was about 4. I don't remember getting older...

In regard to daylight savings, I say move to AZ. I didn't even know that happened today.

E-llo said...

Congrats, Hunter, on being amoung our newest drivers on the road. Scary, when you think back to yourself when you started driving, isn't it.

About DST, I hate springing forward and what not, but after living in AZ, I hate the sun coming up at 5 AM and going down at 8 PM in the summer. 5 AM is way to early!!!

Jason & Jennifer Lott said...

Congrats Hunter!! We'll make sure to stay off the sidewalks next time we are in Boise.