Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Master of Shenanigans!

He looks so innocent, hugging a soft teddy bear while his sparkling smile draws you in. Don't be fooled. Although Cooper has many fun, loving characteristics we are very proud of, he uses his creative side for both good and bad. This past couple of days have not been his finest hours. It all started when Kurt was helping Hunter learn to change a tire for drivers ed. Cooper wanted some attention and wasn't getting it, so he picked up a rock & threw it at Kurt. Well, Kurt was not happy and Cooper knew it. He ran into the house & hid. Kurt came in ready to explode, so Coop kept quiet as a mouse. I told Kurt I would take care of it, so he went back outside. Coop came out from hiding and I sent him to his room for thes rest of the evening (this was about 6pm). I told him to clean his room while he was in there. As he walked into his room he said, "Well, at least I have my gameboy" (not the smartest move) and it was promptly removed. At one point in the evening he came downstairs in his underwear to tell me he was hungry. Then, about 20 minutes later, he came downstairs in a cow costume to ask for some water (I'm surprised it wasn't milk). The next day he was running around and wanted to play. Unfortunately, he hadn't cleaned his room so he didn't get to play & had to return to his dungeon. After about an hour, he called me up to check out his room. While looking it over, I noticed the three black & white plaster pictures were lying on the floor instead of hung on the wall where they previously lived. Upon closer inspection, I found there was bright red crayon adorning each & every hanging. Cooper told me he did that during his incarceration because he was so mad. He now owes me the $$ for them.
Today he asked to play after being grounded all last week because he was 3 hours late the last time we let him play. The rules for playing are: be home on time and notify us if you change locations...simple, right? Well, he was supposed to be home at 2:30pm. When he wasn't home by 3pm, Hunter & I went to his predetermined location and no one was there. We went home & started making phone calls....nothing. An hour later, he comes strolling in, eating a chocolate sucker. I had him go to the clock & tell me the time. He knew he was late, but the true deception was about to occur. I asked him where he had been. He told me he has been at the place he really wasn't. When I called him on the carpet, he admitted he went to someone elses house. Then he went to the cupboard to get a snack. Needless to say, no playing around the neighborhood until school is back in session. That didn't even phase him. The only time he was upset about his shenanigans was when I told him he couldn't play any video games.
So, keep an eye out for this little guy. He's cute and cunning and just when you want to throttle him, he puts on a cow costumes and makes you laugh!

1 comment:

adorable pearsons said...

seriously- that guy is a riot! I would love to have a little cooper in our neighborhood...especially if he would wear his cow costume (from age 4) and sell ice cream!