Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Anniversary Inn Escapade!

The pictures below are of Kurt & I during our overnight stay at the Anniversary Inn. This little rendevous was a surprise gift for Kurt's birthday because we had scouts the actual night of his birthday. I booked the Treasure Island room and Hunter & I schemed in hushed tones as to how to pull this off. The plan was to have Kurt go with me to do a little school shopping without him knowing we would then go to his favorite place for lunch, a matinee, and to the Inn. Well, the first bump came when I found out Cooper's meet the teacher was not during the usual Friday afternoon time slot, but moved to Thursday around dinner. So, the plan was adjusted. We still went shopping, came home got Coop, went to his school, and then back home where Hunter was to distract Kurt long enough for me to pack bags and throw them in the car. The biggest challenge in this plan were the many medications Kurt takes and making sure I got the meds between dose times and potty breaks (didn't want him to notice missing jars).

Hunter did a great job distracting him & I packed the bags and threw in tons of meds (necessary & unnecessary). Wouldn't you know it? Kurt had to go to the bathroom right before we left. The following conversation insued: Kurt: My ibuprofen is missing. Me: Are you sure? Kurt: Yes! It's missing. Do you know where it is? Me: Why would I know where it is? You probably just misplaced it. Kurt: I'm serious, where is it. (at this point Hunter & I are giggling in the hall & Kurt comes in and catches us). That is when a brilliant last minute cover up stole the show. Me: Fine! The boys were planning a post-birthday scavenger hunt and are hiding your meds for when we get back from dinner. Don't ruin their fun. Kurt: (laughing) I knew you were up to something! I knew it when I couldn't find the ibuprofen. (Hunter is visibly shaking with laughter) Me: Yep, you caught us. Can we just go now?

So, after all of this, I drive straight to the Inn. As we are getting closer Kurt starts wondering what we are doing. We pull right in front of the Inn and he asks why we are there. He thought that is where we were going to eat. (They don't serve dinner). He was very surprised and loved the room. So, after an evening of being pampered and watching The Fugitive, we fell soundly to sleep. Fast Forward to 3am....a piercing, loud, obnoxious buzzing wakes us up. I immediately called the front desk and asked what it was. It was the fire alarm of course. I asked the guy if we needed to evacuate and he said, "I don't know" and hung up. Many situations start racing through my head. First, if it's nothing we should just go to sleep. Next, What if someone pulled the fire alarm to get us into the hallway and then is going to hurt us (The Fugitive left overs). Third, If we need to go down the balcony maybe we could use one of these ropes from the pretend mast to get down. After 8 minutes, the alarm ended, only to go off two more times. When we checked out we asked what happened. The front desk clerk said one of the guests pulled it, but they didn't know who. (no children are allowed at this place) I was not happy. She also informed us that in her year+ of working there, this had never happened! Shocking.


sheena said...

Leslie! I am laughing so hard at the firealarm story (sorry to laugh at your misfortune....) What's really funny is 1.the thought of you escaping your window using your room props and decor, and 2. the fact that the front desk person didn't know what to do....I'm glad that there wasn't a real fire! Maybe next time as you are packing all your medications, you can throw in a fire extinguisher as well.

adorable pearsons said...
