Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back to School

Hunter, Cooper & I all started school the same day. Hunter was heading off to his sophomore year of high school. At this point, he didn't know when or where his classes were or who his teachers would be. They give them this critical info the first morning of school. My theory: they don't want angry students or nosey parents trying to switch classes/teachers any earlier than needs be.
Cooper was heading to his first day in third grade. I was very worried about getting back on a school schedule because Coop was notorious for sleeping until 10, 11, or noon all summer long. My worries were for nothing. Adrenaline kicked in and that kid was out of bed half an hour before he needed to be (7am). He was pumped. He asked if he could go to the bus stop at 7:30am (the bus comes at 8:30am) and I told him no, but he is a little negotiator so he bumped the time to 8am...still no. Finally he said, how about 8:15am and I caved, done in by his childlike hope and cat-like clinging to my waist.
I started my internship at Spalding Elementary and am in a fifth grade classroom. I've been walking all summer and loved it, but knew I no longer had the ability to splurge an hour of my day to exercise. So, this morning I started my new routine. Up by 6:40am (my finger cramped when I typed that number) and on the eliptical for 20 minutes. I know what you're thinking, what a wuss...only 20 minutes. It took every ounce of will power to force myself to stay on that thing for 20 minutes. The eliptical is my nemesis and I will conquer it. I hope to eventually work my way up to 25 minutes, maybe around Thanksgiving.
So the school year has begun it alls its madness and glory. I've had to sign my name so many times you'd think I was purchasing a home all over again. Cooper already despises the bus driver (that is a job you couldn't pay me enough to do). Hunter still likes school, even after 3 record! Good luck to everyone else as we re-enter this magical time of year!


adorable pearsons said...

20 mins! I am lucky if I can pull 3 mins on my imaginery eliptical! But when I come to your house all of my dreams just might come true....want to walk together in the mornings when I come? SISTER'S TRIP...don't tell kelli!

Lott said...

Misti, I'm definitely up for a walk! Kelli probably isn't feeling well enough to go on this sisters trip!