Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Better Late than Never

The deed is done. A week and a half ago my parents, sister & her family, Kurt's parents, Jim & his family, my mentor teacher, and my Uncle Ray all came to celebrate my graduation. This was also the day my Dad became my graduation superhero. Here's the situation:
I'm in the staging area (a gym where chairs are set up exactly like our actual graduation will look) and I'm a marshall. Picture in your head a student wearing a Q-tip hat, carrying a flag in one hand and a baton in the other. That wasn't me. Basically, I led one row (out of 4) from the college of education . What that means, is when my partner (who really was carrying a flag) and I came to the entrance of the area, everyone could see she & I first. So, as we are in the staging area I start to realize I'm one of the few people who brought a purse. I only have one purse and it's big and brown. So, I went up to one of the event administrators and asked where I should put it. Bad news: she said there was no where to put it, I'd have to carry it with me. Wouldn't that look pretty? I'd be remembered as "that one girl who carried her big, brown purse throughout her graduation march".
I borrowed a cell phone and called Kurt's. My dad answered and I asked him to please come & get my purse, explaining where he would have to go. He said he would be there as soon as possible. Little did I know that they weren't even at the arena yet. They were stuck in traffic a mile away. My thoughtful father jumped out of the van, in traffic, and ran all the way to the arena. I didn't find that out until later. Then, once he got my purse, he could never find every one else again. So, he stood watching my graduation all by himself....carrying a rather large brown purse the entire time. He was also the only one to find me afterward.
So, thanks Dad for saving my impeccible reputation and for wearing a purse for almost 3 hours. Thanks to everyone else for supporting me on that special day!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 25, 2008

A long time ago, in a land far, far away, lived a young princess....fine, girl, who desperately wanted to have her ears permanently adorned. With a group of other young women, she flew to the exotic city of Billings where upon she discovered a quaint kiosk catering to fair maidens who wanted ear bobbles. Excitedly, she called her mother and begged permission for this intricate endeavor and, after much debate and many tears, her mother granted her request. With all her dreams lying directly in her path, she approached the master technician, only to have her wishes dashed as this procedure was only done on young, fair maidens if a legal guardian signed a contract of services.

Alright, so that's a little melodramatic, but eventually...about a year later...I did get my ears pierced. I, being the rule follower that I am, turned them 3 times a day, made sure to use my cleansing solution, and wanted 3 months before removing the studs to replace them with a cute pair of my choice (probably Papa Smurf earrings or something). The first time I didn't wear earring for a day, a thin layer of skin formed in the hole (hope you aren't eating) and I had to poke through it. Ouch! Well, that led to an infection and eventually it wasn't worth it to me and I let the holes fill in.

The 2nd time, I was around 18 or 19 and really wanted to wear earrings, so I gave it another chance. The first bad omen was when the technician pierced one ear below the previous hole mark...pretty. I dutifully took care of my ears and left the posts in for 1 YEAR before removing them, but guess what. If I didn't wear earrings every night I would get that thin layer of skin growth again. I'm some kind of self-healing freak. Maybe that's my super power.

So, I resigned myself to never have pierced ears again. Then, as if the universe couldn't stand my bare ears, I had a brilliant possibility consume my thoughts. What if I got my ears pierced, then as soon as I was done with the studs, I replaced them with real diamond studs and left them in FOREVER!! So, I shared that plan with a few people, including my hubby and let it simmer. My wish came true on my birthday. My mom bought me diamond studs (no, not men dressed in diamond clothing...the ear kind). Then, after some advice from the jewelry clerk, I decided to go to a tattoo parlor and get my ears pierced with a hollow point needle (I'm the bravest...another super power) and skip the cheap studs altogether.

After talking to the piercing guy who obviously used his own body as a practice mat, I decided to go cheap first. Luckily there was a Walmart nearby and a certain sister & mother prodding me with a branding iron. Once again, I have pierced ears, but this time they are patiently waiting for their prince charming...a true diamond stud.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Help! Missing Child!

This isn't a hoax or something you would find on This is a plea on behalf of a friend of mine, Rick Anderson. His ex-wife, pictured above, took their son and has disappeared. After a year long custody battle, Rick was awarded sole custody. Approximately six months ago, his ex, Michelle Anderson, left her parents' home in Shelley, Idaho with their son, and has not been heard from since.
Peyton (pictured above with Rick) is 3 years old. He needs his daddy as much as his daddy needs him. Rick is a man of integrity and compassion who doesn't deserve to have to go through this terrible trial. Please take a moment to study their faces, and if you happen to see them, please notify Rick Anderson at: 406-781-7415 (cell) or 406-952-4077 (home) and, of course, call the police.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Carnival O'Craziness

When you hear the words "school carnival", what do you picture? I picture the perimeter of a school gym filled with little booths students can go to for the price of a ticket or 2. So, when the school I student taught at announced their school carnival, I thought it would be a fun thing to do while my family was in town.
I had no idea how huge this carnival was. It looked like a full blown circus had set up at the school. Here are some of the things I saw (I probably saw about half the booths): cake walk, Ty Beanie walk, fishing booth, face painting booth, dunk tank, dinosaur dig, 4 huge jump house things, eraser pull, sucker pull, toilet bowl throw, dart throw, book sale booth, shaved ice shack, craft sand booth, cotton candy booth and much more.
It also happened to be very hot that evening, but we all had fun. I was somewhat disappointment we didn't win a cake, but Cooper did win a Ty Beanie...just what we needed, another stuffed animal!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother's Day or Evening or Very late at night

Late, late Sunday night my parents, Kelli, Gracie, & Molly all came for a week long visit. It was so much fun and craziness and relaxation...does that make sense at all? Molly is a sweet, calm baby who is very alert and likes to snuggle (does she really have a choice?).

Gracie is beautiful and a character of the most dramatic persuasion. She likes to sing a little song called the "Oh Man" song. She gives the BEST hugs. She likes to say, "pankin" and then swat you on the bum, giggle, and run away quickly. Beware: she will pretend like she is going to give you a precious kiss when all of the sudden her tongue appears and SLURP...she licks your face. She likes to clean up and make a mess....good combination. She is very independent and when she puts her mind to something you ought to get out of her way. She's my little buddy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It's been hot here. Very hot. The kind of hot that makes your belly button sweat. About a week and a half ago, I taught my last day with my 5th graders. It was hard to say goodbye to them, but I have made sure to see them a couple more times since. They each made me a goodbye card and when I have time I'm going to scan & post them because they are HILARIOUS.

That evening began my weekend of mad cleaning. I spent 3 hours that night cleaning in Cooper's room where I found the following: 5 partially eaten cookies, a plate under his bed with dried apple peels on it, something pink and very sticky adhered to the wall & carpet, about 80 stuffed animals, a trail of crumbs every spider in this universe is currently trying to track, and a TON of books...stuffed everywhere. I won't mention the unseemly things.

The next day I cleaned Hunter's room in a mere 5 hours. Here was some of the loot I came across: a stack of plastic cups, a plate of cookies, 2 bags of hard candy, 1 box of illegal firecrackers, about 8 pocket knives and 2 random unattached blades, a "masters club" document, birthday cards from a couple of years ago, 100 little green air soft pellets, and a trillion books and magazines and random nasty papers. I also cleaned their bathroom and it would be obscene of me to share some of the things I found, but I will tell you one thing: a half eaten miniature reeses peanut butter cup smeared in the corner of the tub. I smelled it to make sure!

I have so much more to share...but in little doses!

Monday, May 19, 2008

I missed my 1st Sunday Post

Gas Prices + Taking a Gamble = Above Photos
ps. Happy Birthday Misti & lots more posts to come!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, and those who help our children when we aren't around. I'm so grateful for the mothers in my life and for all they have done for myself and my family. My grandmother is so much fun to be around. She continues to be a caretaker to my grandfather and it can be a physical, emotional roller coaster. She is an avid reader, always has a book on hand. She is very generous and if you actually grew warts for every person you worried about, she would have a million. (luckily, this is not the case) I wish I lived closer to her, but she a techno grannie as I get to IM her when I need my grandma fix.
We've never lived closer than a few hours away from my mother-in-law. Linda has a degree in nursing and her love of health has been a common thread throughout the time I have known her. She is open to both traditional and holistic healing. She is also a great genealogy adventurer and is continuing to explore this horizon in her life. She can keep plants alive. This baffles me as I'm the queen killer of all things green. She has a knack for it and I believe Kurt does too. Linda has had to deal with more extremely difficult circumstances than almost anyone I know and I admire her ability to keep a grander perspective about our mortal existence.
My mom is on her way her...right now..and I can't wait to see her. I can sit in a room with my mother and all we need is each other to be entertained. She has a great many qualities I wish I had and I continue to learn from her as I try to improve upon on my own weaknesses. My mother is one of the most compassionate people I know. She has the ability to listen and, if asked, give advice and guidance to anyone who needs it. Many people don't know this, but she has a terrific sense of humor. She is married to my Dad...what choice does she have? She is also a forgiving person, a quality I believe is often overlooked in this world. She treats my children with a sweet tenderness that all children deserve to be shown.
As you can see, I have so much to be thankful for with the strong women who surround me, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I had to summarize and, thank your lucky stars, I didn't tell you about all my sisters and sisters-in-law!!! Happy Mothers Day!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

May 4, 2008

A year ago I was getting ready to attend Mike & Kelli's graduation and beginning to realize how little time I had left. Over the past few years I would often have people say, "You're about done...right?" I would have to reply, with a forced half-grin on my face, "No, I still have __ (fill in the blank) semester's to go." A look of utter shock would roll across their features. I could almost see them calculating my age and how long they thought I had been in school. Well, ask me that question again and the answer will be a resounding YES!
This is my last week of student teaching, which I've been a little sad about. My eyes even leaked a bit...I'll have to get that checked out. Then, on the 17th, I'll put on my little black suit, walk toward the stand, most likely trip up the stairs, and wave to my adoring fans as I accept my blank diploma holder.
I've also been blessed with a new twist in my future. I've been offered a part-time grad assistantship and have accepted. So now I begin my Master's degree quest and it will paid for. I'll definitely miss being in the classroom, but am thrilled to start this new adventure. Hopefully in 2 years I'll be graduating with a degree in Educational Technology.
Not to sound corny, but I want to thank my family and friends who have really supported and encouraged me in this adventure. It meant a great deal to be able to complain and celebrate when needed.
Please hope I don't trip up the stairs...that's a real possibility!