Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Teenage Drama

I have to admit, up to this point being the mother of a teenager has been a lot less difficult than I was expecting. Sure, there's been a little frustration here and there, but I just happen to get one of those rare "golden" teenagers who I enjoy being around. Unfortunately, no matter how easy going your teenager can be, drama can still find them. Sunday, a girl in Hunter's Sunday school class asked if he was going to homecoming, to which he replied "No, it's too much money" (that's my boy). Then, she proceeded to basically encourage him to ask her and let him know because she's a cheerleader, the tickets are half off.

So, Hunter came home and mulled it over. Eventually, he decided to ask her. He made cupcakes and I helped him decorate them. Inside 3 of the cupcakes were messages. Two said, "try again", and one asked her to the dance. On top of the cupcakes it said, "Find message!"

He delivered them Sunday night around 9pm. He was nervous, this was his first time asking a girl to a dance. I was nervous...for him. As a mom, you don't want to see your children hurt or rejected. Well, last night she came over with a cake. I answered the door and she asked for Hunter. I heard her tell him that when she got home from church someone else asked her to the dance. She thanked him for asking her and gave him the cake. *Ouch* How would I comfort Hunter and encourage him to try again? Then, Hunter came into my room with a big smile on his face. He was so happy about the cake. That's right....no forlorn downward glances, no fighting of eye moisture,...pure glee about the yummy cake (and it is really good). He said, "I think I might still ask someone" and went off to cut a big piece of delicious, gooey chocolate cake.


E-llo said...

That right there is why guys ask out girls. Boys don't take things personally like girls do. I love his positive attitude! Looks like you raised a good boy. Although now the tickets are going to be expensive. Yikes!

Mike and Kelli said...

Those cupcakes are so cute! Way to be creative Hunter (or should I say Leslie). Who ever you end up going with will be super lucky.
Love, Kelli
PS-Be sure to brush your teeth after all that sugar...it's not worth getting a crown. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow he got free food out of this deal? If I was him I would get a list of nice girls already going to the dance and bake them a little something in hopes of receiving a cake. If he starts to get a little sad you should pop XANADU in the dvd player. That will make him forget about it for awhile. Don't hate on XANADU!

Keidi02 said...

Good job Hunter. There are way more girls out there that rejected me than not. You have a lot of work to do to catch up with me.