Thursday, September 11, 2008

Embarrassment 101

You may recall I had to attend graduate assistant training a few weeks ago in preparation for my duties this semester. This training happened to fall a few days after my kidney surgery. Although I wasn't on any pain meds by that time, I was very dizzy and still in quite a bit of pain. Unfortunately, I still felt like I should go. After what occurred, I made the wrong decision.

The training was held on the 3rd floor of a new campus building. There were over 100 people attending it. A few hours into the training, I was feeling terrible and needed to go to the bathroom (it's not unnecessary'll see). I had never been in this building before, so I left class to scout out a restroom. I walked down a long hall and, right before the end, found a little corridor with a bathroom. I looked at the sign (pictured above) through my haze and something seemed off. There was a person, a child, and a wheelchair but so insignia. I looked around the hall but didn't see anything else, so I figured it was a family bathroom and I opened the door and entered.

This is where I should have realized something was amiss. On the left was a baby changing table and right past it were urinals which seemed strange to me. Across from the urinals were stalls. In my state of mind I secretly thrashed BSU for creating such a family bathroom. I stood there for a second, but I really had to go and figured this was just how they were creating restrooms now. As I sat in the stall it occurred to me that I could possibly see something I wouldn't want to see if a man came in and used a urinal while I was in the stall. I decided I would just stay in there until everybody left. Luckily, when I was done, no one had come in. I washed my hands and went back to class

Later, I was talking to my Aunt Kati who is an expert on the new building and I told her about the strange 3rd floor bathroom. She said she didn't know that floor as well, but the family restroom on the 1st floor didn't have urinals. I asked her to check it out the next time she was in the building. Well, she called me last week and said she found the bathroom from my directions. It was a MEN's bathroom. Where was the women's bathroom? Right across from it. Unbelievable, no really...I couldn't believe her. She must be mistaken. So I met her at the scene of the situation and, sure enough, I invaded the men's bathroom that day. I'm guessing people saw me go in & out of there, but they didn't say a thing. The lessons I learned that day: Don't pee in a room with urinals. Don't go somewhere academic too soon after surgery.

Most importantly: Always sneak in and out of restrooms just in case you make the same mistake I did! Incognito all the way!


Mike and Kelli said...

I feel your pain. I had a similar incident involving me, a gas station restroom where I innocently entered and peed, and then the grand finale...while washing my hands Randy walked in and said..."Didn't you see those urinals over there?" Duh! How embarrassing!

E-llo said...

Way to go for "going" anyway! I don't know if I could have. At least a man didn't come in while you were in there. That would have been worse. I would be playing the "just had surgery" card on this story and whatever I felt like for the next (oh) year or so! :)

Brie said...

Your experience made me think of the first work day back this year. A certain health/PE teacher thought it would be funny to switch the signs on the bathrooms. It wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been the first time a whole bunch of the staff had been in the building. More than once a woman walked into the wrong bathroom. I even contemplated whether or not they had switched the stalls over the vacation. I didn't waste too much brain power over it, though.
I'm glad you were able to be incognito.

Shannon said...

Good "story" Leslie, but just admit it: You wanted to try out a urinal at least one time in your life. I understand that we all have that "to do before we die" list, it's NOTHING to be ashamed of. ;)