Thursday, April 3, 2008

Did I hear someone say Colorado?

Cooper made a new friend in CO and he spent the night with Coop Easter evening. So, the next day we took them to a park. We played on the equipment (I love that contraption I'm on with Hunter) for a little bit and then Mom & I headed to the van because it was pretty chilly. One of my favorite parts was when a little boy came and asked if he could ride the motorized kid car I was standing next to. I was tempted to say yes, but I thought I might get caught. It was also fun to see all the "boys" play tag. I'm pretty sure Cooper could out-endure all of them!


Ludvigson Family said...

Looks like you guys had fun in Colorado. The contraption your on looks fun, I've never seen one like that before! That is a great idea to do the i owe yousin the Easter eggs, I'll have to remember that next year!

E-llo said...

Looks like the trip was a blast. That is a cool teeter-totter type of thing. I could totally dig that. I like the I-owe-U thing. Cuz, what if they didn't find them all and then there was an egg with a couple of bucks in it that noone could find?
Sad that I won't see you next week at book club, again.