Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 27, 2008

Please don't be morose, don't think ill thoughts, don't cry in despair, but these are the last of the Colorado photos. The dream is over. These pictures were taken at the Michael Garman studio in Colorado Springs. Surprisingly, my boys loved this little stop and I'll tell you why in a minute. The showroom is a collection of minature and larger-than-minature sculptures. It also contained full miniature scenes (I realized there were a few rated R scenes in there and had to steer the boys clear). The artwork is amazing and Garman uses optical illusion to create deep, dark alleyways and scene changes within the buildings.
Cooper & I were looking at one building in particular, when a man in a suit walked up to show us how optical illusion was used with the alleys (I thought they were really that deep). After he left, Coop & I sat down to watch a video about the artist and, sure enough, he was the man that had talked to us. Well, Cooper was so excited that a "celebrity" had spoken to us. We told my parents, but by then Garman was gone.
Then we went into his museum (that is where we took the pictures). It was incredible. I know what you're thinking...if it's that incredible, why was Cooper crying. Well, it was dark and in different scenes there was a small holographic image of Garman giving some background about the piece. Cooper was freaked out. We then went back into the showroom where we saw him again & pointed him out to my Dad. This may come as a shock, so hold onto your dad started up a conversation with him. Eventually he autographed things for both the boys. They talked about that for a long time. The point to this experience: even activites that are sure to invoke extreme boredom can become the most exciting, memorable activities.

ps. Is it just me or do I wear that brown jacket alot?


Anonymous said...

Seriously. Love the brown jacket baby...ooh la la

Anonymous said...

i love to see pics of you mom and dadit makes me miss your family so much!!!

Ludvigson Family said...

Sounds like a pretty cool place. Trust Fred to strike up a conversation with a stranger! That great you got to meet and talk to the artist!