Friday, February 10, 2012

RSS Feed Me!

  I'm not sure how many of you love a good RSS feed, but I'm a sucker for a tidbit of juicy information.  I currently subscribe to RSS feeds in two different ways, through Microsoft Outlook and through Google Reader.  I definitely prefer Outlook but I only use Outlook at work.  

My feeds at work include ed tech feeds, new book release feeds, author review feeds, BSU feeds, and iPad app feeds (just trying to see how many times I can use the word "feeds" in one post).  At home I use Google reader where my feeds are more personal (you know what I mean).  I like to follow blogs, news, and the feeds of the current University I'm attending (seriously though, how many schools can one person go to). 

There are feed directories you can use to find information you think you can't live with out including,, and  You may be wondering why I'm trying to jam RSS down your throat, but the truth is it's just another little tech tool I like to use and I like to share the wealth.  So the next time you see the RSS symbol on a website you love to visit, you just might want to click it.


Anne Kish said...

You've convinced me!

Jocord said...

Wow, thanks for the information on the RSS feeds. This next assignment should be fun to use.

Unknown said...

Thanks again Leslie. I have followed a few feeds but I'm going to make sure I pay more attention to the sites I'm on to see if they have RSS feeds also.