Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shake it

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Thanks Calie!


Mike and Kelli said...

so hilarious! I like it way better than last year's...especially the solo dancing. I showed Gracie and she got all sad and said, "I miss them mama."

adorable pearsons said...

that is so funny! Hunter had some major pelvic thrusts going on- yikes. Bostyn giggled when you bumped bums

Ashley Wray said...

This never ever gets old, but I do agree Kelli, this is way better than last years!
How are you surviving without a dishwasher? Hope your hands haven't turned into permanant prunes!

E-llo said...

This years makes last years look like the Atari version. That was some sweet disco dancing. I am expecting to see you guys on So You Think You Can Dance next year.