Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The question is, will this guy remember? He has a spelling test tomorrow. He lost his spelling list. His class does spelling uniquely so I can't borrow one. Each child has their own list of 10 words.

So, I told that guy to just write down as many words as he could remember. This is what he came up with, letter by letter:

#1: analyze

#2: muscle

#3: anti-biologyst

#4: omnovore

#5: herbovore

#6: multiplacation

Interesting. The first 2 are definitely on his test. The middle 3 are definitely not. The last one might be. I made him write the last one 3 times. What else can a mother do? But I do wonder what he has been reading. anti-biologist a word? I think not.


Emily N. said...

hillarious! And I think I just spelled it wrong. It's underlining it in red. Oh's my spelling tonight!

E-llo said...

LOL! I Too was wondering about anti-biologyst. Would the definition be a scientist who studies everything other than biology. Or is the sworn enemy of Biologyst. I think I want to grow up and be "Anti-Biologyst". Maybe it comes with a super-suit too.

Mike and Kelli said...

Cooper is hilarious. He should make up a spelling test for his teacher and see how he does!

adorable pearsons said...

I remember his hard hard words that I could not even spell. If I tried hard enough maybe I could remember the words :) Although the ones he came up with on his own are above me so I quit!