Sunday, January 10, 2010

The friend hunt

As you all have realized from previous posts, moving back to Great Falls has been a roller coaster transition. When we found out we would be moving, one of the things I was most distressed over was finding friends. I'm the type of person who needs a small group (6-10) of friends. You know, the group of gals you can call at the last minute and say, "Hey, do you want to come play games?" or "I need to go on a walk, want to join me?". It took me a couple of years in Meridian to find an amazing group of friends. For the 1st two years there, I wandered around like a lost sheep, hoping I could entice someone to induct me into their friend circle.

You see, finding friends in your 30's is more difficult than finding friends in your 20's and I'm beginning to think it gets more difficult as your age. By the 30's, women have already found their circle of friends though their children, job, church group, hubbies, etc. It's hard to break into those circles. On top of that, I'll admit, I'm fairly picky. I like having lots of friendly acquaintances, but real girlfriends usually have to meet some criteria. Here are a few girlfriend attributes I try to follow and my deep, down, forever girlfriends follow as well:
  • Don't have to talk to each other every minute of every day, but are ready to step it up when one of the gals is in need
  • Can go for a week or 2 (or months/years for long distance girlfriends) and you pick up right where you left off
  • Punctual. I feel a little jilted when a friend feels their time is more important than mine. It's demeaning.
  • They are there if they say they are coming. It really bothers me when someone says they are coming and then they just don't show. Now, there are emergency exceptions, but those should be rare.
  • Realizes you are faulty, and doesn't care.
  • Avoids drama (honestly, I swear there are people who thrive on it)
  • Doesn't take themselves too seriously
So, I'm on the hunt again. It's just as difficult as it was in Meridian. I'd love to have a group to play volleyball/walleyball with monthly. How about the group that gets together to celebrate our birthdays? I miss that for sure. I'm not giving up. Girlfriends are worth it. They keep me sane. Do you think putting out a want ad would sound too desperate? Probably.


Ashley Wray said...

I hear ya, finding good friends in a new place totally takes some time. We've been in Burley for 2.5 years and I finally feel like I've found "my group." You are too funny, I dare you to put an ad in the paper to see what people would reply :)
PS-Love your ugly sweaters and toe socks, totally awesome!

Susan F. said...

I understand totally. It's hard to find the friend who doesn't make a commitment then simply "oops, I forgot" when they find something they would rather do. But hang in there, there are still lots of people who are thoughtful and dependable. They will love being your friend- and knowing they can count on you.

AND... you will enjoy the lack of drama also!

Susan F. said...

ps... I love that picture of Mom!

adorable pearsons said...

Hey, I am in my 20's and have no friends...does that mean I'm screwed for my 30's? Halelujah for sisterfriends...I'm feeling another sister trip coming on!

Lott said...

My family girlfriends are my saving grace for sure.

Alicia said...

I miss you so much. Celebrating birthdays was the best. I think that Val learned her lesson though. You are the best friend who you always know exactly where you stand. Yesterday at volleyball, the lady starting said " ready, okay" and I started laughing thinking of you doing cheer moves during wallyball. Love you.


Marie Gray said...

Are you trying to make me cry or something? That's not very nice. I'm sure you will find life-long friends in no time. You have a magnetic personality that people can't help but love. Meridian misses you!!!
Come visit soon.

becky said...

Leslie, I will be your friend! Believe me, I know how hard it is to make friends in this town, and it seems that as soon as you find someone great, they move away. I'm all for spontanaety if you want to go to a movie or lunch sometime!

Lott said...


You are the sweetest. Glad to know there is someone I can call when I need to just relax. The feelings are mutual!
