Tuesday, July 7, 2009


It's July and "Bang" seems to be the theme thus far. Of course you except some bang on the 4th of July and this year was no exception. Part of DJ and fam, Kelli and fam, & Kurt, Cooper & I staked our spot on Central Ave. to watch the annual 4th of July Parade. We were there for over 2 hours. It was a fabulous parade, but 2 hours is a long time with 4 small children, 1 nearby smoker, and melting ice cream. Later, the guys lit off our fireworks which are always a hit. This year the only injury belongs to me with a slight burn on my finger from trying to stick a still hot sparkler into the box so it wouldn't end up on the ground somewhere.

Another bang we can't seem to get away from is the bang of thunder as storm, after storm, after storm rolls in. The 4th of July ended with the bang of a storm and a 4 hour blackout.

Kurt called 911 when he heard two bangs late one night. He's pretty good at deciphering gunshots from fireworks, but I think some manufacturer tricked him.

We have been also lacking in the "bang, bang, bang on the door" department. No one has knocked down our door to steal our beautiful home in Meridian which sits empty and forlorn, just looking for a loving family. In addition, no one has knocked down my door to hire me. It's a bit sad for me as I've just been waiting to teach and now no one wants to retire.

Now that I've banged this post out, it's time to bang out some homework.

ps. I promise I won't do another play on words post for at least a week or so!


adorable pearsons said...

what a bang of a week! The weather is crazy this summer. I sure hope someone buys the house soon! I'll continue to spread the word :) banga banga banga!

Mike and Kelli said...

Whoa, Mike looks super bald in that picture. Good one. Don't forget about the bang that happened inside the house leaving a tornado of destruction behind. Just saying...

Mike Lozano said...

The only bang my family heard on the 4th was from the bathroom...always followed by a flush.