Sunday, April 19, 2009


About a week or so ago, Hunter worked up enough courage to ask a girl to prom. He wasn't going to go to prom until his senior year, but since we are moving he wanted to go with his friends here. He made a little basket with eggs. Some of the tiny eggs held golden chocolate eggs with a one word message and the young lady put them all together, they spelled out an invitation to prom.

He's been waiting, not quite with baited breath, but waiting nonetheless. Last night he got home about 11:15pm from work. About 11:30pm there was a BANG, BANG, BANG on the door. We were in bed, but still awake. A few seconds later, Hunter came into our room carrying the yummiest looking cake with a little flag designating the whole thing to Hunter, even the muffin on top. Darn!!

Like excited little puppies, Kurt & I followed Hunter into the kitchen, possibly hoping for a piece of the delicious looking concoction. We had no idea was the "EEE" on the muffin meant, but we figured it was buried in the cake. Hunter started to cut the cake when it became very apparent it was not a cake at all.

Kurt & I helped him scrape off all the frosting only to find a phone book. Ahhh, not "EEE", "333". The search through the frosting edged phonebook began. One section after another, Hunter flipped and prodded. Until finally, with blue frosting fingers, he found what he had been looking for. "Yes".


Susan F. said...

Clever, but I bet Hunter still wants a cake! Hope he has lots of fun.

adorable pearsons said...

that is cute! I am glad it all worked out- minus the fake cake part ;)! can't wait to see pics.

Mike and Kelli said...

Yeah Hunter! I can't wait to see the fancy pictures! Have so much fun!