I'm a very honest person. And no...the title isn't some sordid introduction to a desperate housewife situation. But lets face it, sometimes boxes of chocolates can be deceiving. Unless there is a code breaker on the lid, you are just biting into some unknown confection. Now, if you love every type of chocolate ever invented (I bet I could find something you wouldn't like) then boxes full of mystery chocolates is no big deal. Personally, I love chocolate and nuts, chocolate and coconut, truffles, but I don't like chocolate and fruit. Don't judge..I'm just stating a fact.
I'm going to share with you my code breaking tactic that comes with a beautiful side benefit. Warning: You need to be hungry to attempt this. Open up your box of chocolates and take a tiny corner bite out of each chocolate. You will quickly break the code regarding chocolate guts. I used to do this by poking a hole in the bottom of the chocolate, but if you do that the side benefit doesn't work. Once you have bitten the corner off each chocolate...no one else will eat them. That's right. You can save them for when you are really in the mood. You don't have to scarf them down before someone else gets their mitts on them. It's a win-win situation. The ones you don't like? You would have thrown them out anyway. Happy Valentines day!